Acupuncture is one part of Chinese Medicine Practice that can help your body heal itself and achieve it's best balanced state.
We can help treat many different health challenges including
acute or chronic pain from injury or repetitive strain, chronic fatigue, insomnia, stress, anxiety, migraines, asthma, allergies, sinusitis, muscle cramping, arthritis, tinnitus and a host of other health issues. Our combination of acupuncture, massage, diet, nutrition, Qi Gong & meditation classes and Chinese medicinal herbs and western supplements will help set you on the path to your most joyful and fulfilled life.
With years of experience, practice and dedication, our clinic offers the quality of care and treatment you deserve.
Acupuncturists are licensed as Primary Care Providers in California and Nevada and are trained in Western Medicine diagnosis. Should you require, Joyful Life Acupuncture can order lab work, imaging studies, or refer to specialists. We are happy to work with your medical doctor or nurse practitioner.
Traditional Chinese Medicine:
- Integrative East West Sports Medicine Dry Needling, IMS
- Applied kinesiology muscle alignment
- Western Herbs & Supplements
- 5 Element Emotional Balancing
Joyful Life Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
Please download and fill out these two forms prior to your first appointment:
TEXT US for fastest response:
530-386-4851 VM or Text
530-386-8855 VM or Text
Carla Beryl McClure L.Ac-. Licensed Acupuncturist (CA)
MSTCM Master of Science Traditional Chinese medicine
OMD - Oriental Medicine Doctor (Nevada)
Dipl. OM- Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM),
DAOM Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Fellow
12710 Northwoods Blvd., Ste. #6 (By Z Market)
Truckee, CA 96161
We are available for in person treatments and consults as well as Phone and Telemedicine consults for herbs, diet & nutrition advice, and stress management and acupressure point coaching for your specific health needs.
As primary care providers we are considered essential to the healthcare delivery system, please text us for an appointment time.
Blessings and stay healthy! Dr. Carla
Chinese Herbal Formulas have been integral to healing patients in China with viral infections, In TCM hospitals daily custom herbal decoctions helped to reduce deaths, and accelerate healing and earlier discharge from hospitals.
Immune boosting and preventive herbal formulas have also been given to healthcare workers in hospitals and kept workers infection free while they were working with patients.
We are offering custom TCM herb formula packages for viral and bacterial infections that include preventive, early stage treatment and respiratory phase and recovery phase formulas. They are avaialble as teapills, granules, raw herb packs and prepared raw herb packets.